OSLO, NORWAY – Appear TV, a leading provider of next-generation video delivery platforms for broadcast and streaming high-quality video, announces that Dplay is expanding its OTT solution from Appear and NEP Norway with dynamic ad insertion to further improve its offering.

“Dplay has been a tremendous success, and we keep offering the service in new markets and continuously adding new customers,” said Peder O. Krogh, Operations Director for Dplay in the Nordics. “Since we launched the service running on Appear Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) servers, our delivery quality has been stellar.”
NEP Norway operates Dplay in several European markets, and Dplay has most recently added Spain to the countries where the service is offered. The initial dynamic ad insertion functionality was launched in May for select channels in the Nordic region and new services are being added continuously.
“Working with Appear has been a pleasure,” said Timothée Thirouin, Director of Digital Advertising Operations for Dplay. “Finding partners that understand the entire chain from live broadcast and streaming to the end customer is essential to succeed, and NEP Norway and Appear together have shown themselves to be tremendously capable and helpful.”
The Appear ABR provides a powerful, scalable, video segmentation engine, just-in-time packager and origin server, together with a high-performance storage solution in one integrated suite. Running on standard off-the-shelf servers, it allows NEP Norway to design and scale each customer solution precisely as required. The result is a highly space and power efficient solution offering full redundancy, with exceptional performance and reliability.
“Our close relationship with Dplay and NEP Norway has allowed us to develop our product portfolio along with their needs, most recently adding support for dynamic ad insertion in HLS as per their requirement,” said Naser N. Haify, International Account Manager at Appear. “We also support ad-markers in DASH and CMAF for both live and VOD, enabling a wide range of possibilities within dynamic ad insertion for our customers.”