Custom Electronics, Inc. (CEI), a global manufacturer of energy storage components and systems technology, recently took to the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center, where the company showcased its CMP2500 portable power system to the students. Featuring a proprietary battery management system (BMS), the CMP2500 focuses on taking a modular integrated systems design approach to generate, store, distribute and utilize electric energy to power devices and equipment while delivering a safe, effective and cost-efficient energy storage solution. CEI, along with Halovation, a nanotech and sustainable energy innovation firm, offered students a demonstration of the CMP2500 at work and gave them a first-hand look at the technology that goes into and powers the system.

Pictured: Students at the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center receiving a demonstration of CEI’s CMP2500 portable battery system.
“We are so grateful that CEI and Halovation chose the BOCES students to demonstrate this technology before it is released to the general public,” says Capital Region BOCES Senior Business Liaison Nancy Liddle. “These companies are at the forefront of innovation, and this demonstration was a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about locally innovated and manufactured sustainable energy projects. By sharing these designs and products with our students—who will work with this technology in the future—we are ensuring that they are on the cutting edge of technology awareness.”